If you’re a first-time camper you might be wondering “what’s a typical day at camp?” While there’s no such thing as a “typical day” here, our daily schedule provides a consistent routine that helps us all make the most of our time together. Check out our daily schedule below for an example of how you might spend a day at camp!

8:00 AM – Wake Up Bell
Rise and shine! It’s time to get ready for a fun-filled day at camp!
8:30 AM – Breakfast Time
Stroll on over to the dining hall to fuel up on your favorite breakfast foods. You’ll need plenty of energy for your busy day ahead!
9:30 AM – Morning Program
Time to play and explore! Pick from a menu of unique activity and game options — on land and on the water! Have your own idea for a camp activity you want to try? Tell a counselor! They’ll help bring your idea to life.
11:30 AM – Free Time
Camp is yours to explore and enjoy! Head to the waterfront, the art studio, or the woods to play and create as you please.
12:30 PM – Lunch Time
Time to refuel! It’s back to the dining hall for a healthy lunch shared with cabinmates and friends. Try our scrumptious homemade sandwiches, souper soup, and fresh veggie options.
1:30 PM – Rest Hour
We all need a little downtime to rest and recharge for the afternoon. Head back to your cabin to read, listen to music, or shut your eyes for a few moments of peaceful rest.
2:30 PM – Afternoon Program
Now that we’re re-energized, it’s time to get back to the action. Choose a new activity to try or revisit the same activity with new friends.
4:30 PM – Free Time
What else do you want to try? Now’s your chance to create, explore, play, and connect in any way that you choose.
6:00 PM – Dinner
Our stomachs are grumbling! Head back to the dining hall for our last meal of day. Enjoy the company of fellow campers as you enjoy a delicious homemade meal.
7:30 PM – Evening Program
Gather ‘round the campfire! It’s time for an all-camp get-together. Now’s your chance to perform alongside your cabin mates, share a poem, or simply enjoy the cool summer air among friends. Our evening program is a highlight of the day for campers and staff alike!
9:00 PM – Mellow Time
Cozy up in your cabin with a book or your journal as you begin to wind-down from your busy day.
9:30 PM(ish) – Bed Time
Lights out and sweet dreams! Time to rest up for another fun day at camp!